April 11, 2019
Last year, we wrote to you about Sister Martha, the head of the Bethany School for girls. She’s also the unofficially adopted mother to the orphans.
You responded in record time and helped raise over $40k! When we last reported to you on this van, we could not show you any photos because they had not yet purchased it. But, glory to God and thanks to generous donors like you, Sister Martha was finally able to purchase the van on St. Nicholas Day – December 19, 2018.
You have no idea how excited we were to share the photos of the new van with you. But considering how incredible your response was to this appeal, we knew that you would want something more than just photos. So we made a video.
You are probably thinking that this is just going to be another ordinary thankyou video. When we had an opportunity to film Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky) – Head of ROCOR’s Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem – we thought the same thing. But then Fr. Roman started to share some stories with us.
Needless to say, we were wrong. This is no ordinary thankyou video. It’s only 2 minutes long, but you absolutely need to see this. PLEASE be careful if you are watching this in a room with children. This will be difficult for them to watch.
Thank you for helping Sister Martha and the orphans of the Orthodox School in Bethany!