Joint venture to aid a swine flu-stricken monastery in Mexico
Joint venture to aid a swine flu-stricken monastery
Following the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico the Fund for Assistance received a desperate letter from the Abbot of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Monastery in Mexico City, Fr. Nektarios.

“We have no money; few people come to Church, everybody is afraid to get swine flu. People are even afraid to kiss the icons or a hand! Dozens are calling the monastery all day asking for our prayers and guidance, they are so scared, they can sense the fragility of life. Please pray for us, so God has mercy on our sins.”

Upon the government’s order to shut down all “non-essential” businesses, the monastery was forced to temporarily close its bakery and coffee shop, its main source of income, and cancel all church services, excepting those for the brethren.
According to Fr. Nektarios, the monastery was unable to pay their bills, electricity, credit cards, phone, water; there is no gas, and their car is still at the repair shop after 3 weeks.  In order to make some money, they were even obliged to sell of their antique furniture.

“These past two weeks have been very difficult for everyone, including some of our Russian parishioners who have no income or lost their job,” wrote Fr. Nektarios in an email, “By your prayers and this help may we be able to make our lives easier, in order to continue until we get back to normal in some months, if God permits.

Our gratitude to each of you for your generous assistance and support to us during this difficult time.

In response to the urgent need of our brethren in Mexico the Fund for Assistance and the Western American Diocese launched a joint action to support the monastery and the faithful. Advertisements were placed on the websites of the Synod, FFA and Western American Diocese, and pleas sent out to parishes.

As a result of this joint action $11,804 were collected for the Holy Trinity Monastery.  Of these $7,715 were sent by the Fund for Assistance.

In the words of the abbot Fr. Nektarios, “since your help arrives at the most critical time for our Community and Mission, when we are facing the financial consequences of the three-week quarantine, we wish to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who have contributed in any way to make this assistance available to us.

May our Resurrected Lord reward your gifts of love, fellowship and generosity, with many Gifts from Above.  Thank you for all your prayers, expressions of solidarity, and moral support.” 
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